Easy-Pull Barrier concept

The Easy-Pull Barrier concept, awarded at the annual Young Ones ADC competition, is an easy and effective alternative to the use of Jersey barriers during road construction and emergencies

Designer Jhe-Wei Lin of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology is set to leave a lasting impression on the control of road and pedestrian traffic after he and his team was rewarded with a Bronze Award in the annual Young Ones ADC competition by The One Club for Creativity. They submitted their Easy-Pull Barrier concept. The organisation showcases the ingenuity of students and young professionals.

The Easy-Pull is said to replace up to 12 Jersey barriers and around 20 road cones

Similar to the QueueMaster barriers in airports, banks, and other places that are required to organise crowds, Jhe-Wei’s Easy-Pull Barrier provides a pull-out barrier to cordon off roadways during construction, emergencies, or times when traffic or crowds need to be controlled.

Able to be deployed by one or two people, each Easy-Pull Barrier extends out to approximately 12 metres and is said to replace up to 12 Jersey barriers and around 20 road cones, while visually screening the area from passers-by.


Made of linked-metal construction, the Easy-Pull Barriers are able to bend, so can be placed around curves, allowing for numerous safety options. The barriers can also be magnetically joined together to screen off larger areas. There is no word on when the concept will reach the manufacturing floor.

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