Book reviews: November 2022

Deals on Wheels reviews the latest titles to hit NZ bookshelves

Cobalt Blue
Matthew Reilly
Reviewed by Steve Atkinson


The storyline of this action-packed thriller focuses on a family of US superheroes, all who have inherited one of their parent’s strengths, although, only at half the capacity of the elder. But their parent wasn’t the only one who had superpowers.

There was a Russian soldier who also inhaled the toxin 35 years back while on a joint country mission, and now the super-parent is dead, meaning ol’ Ruskie is heading over to the US and aims to be the top dog. It’s showdown after showdown as he takes on the family members, but he didn’t count on the youngest family member who kept themself hidden away. Game on.

Toyotas — A Kiwi Obsession
Steve Holmes
Bateman Books
Reviewed by Steve Atkinson


Steve Holmes delivers us another great car book that’s worthy of the coffee table in any Kiwi auto aficionado’s home. The prolific author follows his tried-and-tested formula of interviewing owners and drivers of one of our favourite Japanese brands, across most genres of motor racing, Sunday drive cars, those that probably just squeak through for a Warrant of Fitness, and some fine classics.

There’s even a nod to Barry Crump, who put the Hilux brand squarely in the public eye back in the 1980s and a focus on a few others that made their living behind the wheel of Japan’s greatest motoring export. As we run up to Christmas, keep this in mind for the petrol head in your family.

NZ 2050
George Bryant
Daystar Books
Reviewed by Steve Atkinson


Kiwi author George Bryant gives us his 160-page take on what Godzone will look like in the year 2050. Like it is with most future-looking books that we’re suckered into buying, this one is no different, containing a lot of sizzle but near nil sausage.

The book is padded with a lot of ‘what happened in the past’, which is meant to give an indication of what could possibly happen in the future. Granted, there are a couple of future gems among the history lessons and if I happen upon a discarded time machine or live long enough to see if those come to fruition, then perhaps my somewhat cynical view will be altered. Until then, however, I wait with bated breath.

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