Book reviews: March 2023

Discover your next favourite read. Our team reviews some of the newest releases this month.

Lee Child and Andrew Child
Penguin Random House
Reviewed By Steve Atkinson


In the third of a four-book publishing deal before retirement, Lee Child teams up with his younger brother Andrew in another Jack Reacher outing. In this instalment, our cross-country travelling hero witnesses a murder that (of course) is deemed suicide by the local
small-town police.

Helping out an unconvinced detective, Jack takes over the case managing (of course) to bruise a few knuckles along the way, eventually leading him to the head honchos of a private prison corporation.

Like all Jack Reacher novels, it’s a tried-and-tested formula that (of course) doesn’t fail to deliver. It’s top-class escapism that won’t tax the brain cells too much.

Jeremy Clarkson
Penguin Random House
Reviewed by Steve Atkinson


In this second update of Jeremy Clarkson’s life as a UK farmer, we get a look back at how things have panned out over the last 12 months, all the content being an amalgamation of his Sunday Times column.

For some, the ex-Top Gear presenter is seen as an arrogant prat, and I’m sure this is why he runs into trouble with neighbours and local authorities, although, underneath,
a lot of us probably admire his bolshiness.

For those with no idea of how food gets to their dining table, the Diddly Squat books are an interesting and entertaining peek at UK farming life from the viewpoint of a gentleman farmer.

Byron C Clarke
Harper Collins
Reviewed by Steve Atkinson


This excellent read on the different extremist organisations in New Zealand is something of an aggregation of information available, underpinned by the author’s own research and experiences with those on the edge of society.

It gives informative condensed insights into people, along with the above and below ground organisations, each with a different take on how the world functions, which we all know has seriously spiralled out of control in a number of instances.

Helped by their own media outlets and social media algorithms, we gain some understanding of how thought patterns of people can be influenced and where New Zealand society is heading.

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