Cummins president and COO steps down

Cummins president and COO steps down 2 Rich Freeland Cummins president and COO steps down 2

After 40 years of service with Cummins Inc, president and COO, Rich Freeland, announced his retirement earlier in August

 "I want to personally thank Rich for his many contributions to Cummins and his friendship and support over the 25 years I have known and worked with him," said Tom Linebarger, chairman and CEO, Cummins Inc. 

"He’s one of the most effective leaders in Cummins history because of his ability to connect with customers, develop our employees, and his deep understanding of nearly every element of our business.

"Equally impressive to me is that Rich has accomplished these things in an unassuming, humble manner. He has an unrelenting commitment to our core values and always makes the right decisions for our business, for our people and our communities. His positive impact is vast, and Rich will be missed by many, many people inside and outside of Cummins."

Rich joined Cummins in 1979 as a second shift foreman in the Parts Distribution Centre in Columbus, Indiana, the day after his graduation from Purdue University.

He spent his entire 40-year career with Cummins, where he successfully led three of Cummins’ five business segments and was responsible for all of Cummins’ global operations as chief operating officer, a position he has held since 2014.

Rich will also resign from the Board of Directors of the company, effective 15 October 2019.

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