Breathable barrier design helps fights air pollution

The breathable barrier design uses a honeycomb system to stop CO2 emissions from entering the atmosphere

With the number of vehicles increasing on the road, air pollution is a growing concern. Addressing this concern is the new breathable barrier design, winner of the 2018 Red Dot Design Concept Award.


The barrier, designed by Hsuan Ting Huang and Tsung Ying Hsieh, uses a honeycomb system to stop CO2 emissions from entering the atmosphere immediately after it’s released from gas-burning vehicles.The conceptual barrier, which can be integrated onto the existing transportation infrastructure, is designed to stop CO2 emissions right at the source, has panels that act as a filter and collect emissions particles before they make it to the local environment.

The barrier would also help to limit noise pollution while adding a touch of green to the otherwise concrete environments.

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