Construction, Features

Product feature: Dynapac Seismic system

The Dynapac Seismic system, available as an optional feature, lets a roller determine the optimal frequency for any compacted material and automatically adjusting to the changing conditions

For many years, the soil and the drum were considered two separate systems. Dynapac’s engineering team recognised the soil and the drum work together as one system, which led to the development of the Dynapac Seismic system.


Dynapac Seismic, distributed in New Zealand by MIMICO, lets a roller determine the optimal frequency for any compacted material, monitoring the variations and constantly adjusting to the changing conditions automatically. It will be an optional feature for CA1500-6500 rollers together with the Dynapac Compaction Meter.

All drum and soil combinations have their own unique natural frequencies. Dynapac Seismic automatically detects the frequency of the soil characteristics, works with it, and applies the correct amount of energy exactly when required. “Why would you waste valuable energy by letting the drum hit the soil randomly?” asks MIMICO’s sales and marketing manager, Scott Turner.

Conventional vibratory compactors deliver a rapid succession of impacts to the soil surface at a frequency that’s either pre-set at a high or low amplitude or at a frequency that’s adjusted manually. Dynapac Seismic does it differently. Since the drum and the soil act as one dynamic system, several benefits can be found from its natural frequency.

At the natural frequency, the drum amplitude is enhanced significantly, since energy is automatically fed to the system at exactly the right time. This, in turn, maximises the contact force between the drum and the ground, yielding maximised compaction and energy efficiency.

The best compaction parameters guarantee an optimal output., the manufacturers say. A machine that can determine soil characteristics and then automatically interact with them will make a difference in compaction results. Dynapac is renowned for their quiet machines.

Dynapac’s ECO-mode, which provides the roller with the minimum amount of power necessary to operate at any given time, is a large contributor to the machine’s quietness. Dynapac Seismic takes it one step further. As the machine vibrates in harmony with the soil, the process noise is reduced to a minimum and the soil compacts at a lower frequency.

For operator comfort, the entire machine is secured for vibrations emitted at these lower frequencies. The operator’s interface provides the operator with all the necessary setting options required and the correct information at all times, allowing uptime to be maximised.

Manufacturers say Dynapac Seismic increases productivity with top-quality results in the shortest amount of time. “Dynapac Compaction Meter and Dyn@lyzer displays the compaction results in easy-to-understand graphics and eliminates any wasted time on unnecessary passes that are often made ‘just to be on the safe side’,” explains Scott. 

Dynapac’s first step in letting a machine automatically decide compaction parameters was the introduction of Active Bouncing Control. If compaction energy returns to the machine with the possibility of causing damage, vibration is actively shut off. This technology prevents unnecessary bouncing, which saves the machine from downtime and secures a high second-hand value.

Dynapac Seismic automatically controls the frequency to get perfect compaction. Even though operators have had the possibility to adjust the frequency by themselves, rollers have had standard frequencies between 28 to 40Hz and indicators with recommendations to go down manually with adjustable frequencies, depending on soil types.

Recognising the dynamic characteristics of a certain soil just by looking at it is impossible. With Dynapac Seismic, the roller automatically determines the natural frequency of the soil and adjusts to it. This saves both time and fuel consumption, makes it easier on the environment, and reduces the wear of the machine.

The operator no longer needs to manually set the frequency or guess what soil type or frequency should be used at any given time. By using the pre-set on the speed limiter, a constant speed and optimal compaction is ensured, thus allowing the operator to focus on meeting the compaction requirements. The Dynapac Compaction Meter and Dyn@lyzer tools ensure that these requirements are met.

With frequency automatically optimised, Dynapac Seismic will reduce fuel consumption, eliminate any unnecessary wear and tear and even reduce the number of passes required to reach the optimum compaction. MIMICO is the sole New Zealand distributor of Dynapac equipment, parts and service support. The company has branches and service agents across the country. 

The CA2500D roller and the CA6000D roller are two of Dynapac’s roller models that can have Dynapac Seismic added as an optional feature

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