Construction, Features

Product Feature: Joskin Trans-KTP 15/45 tipping trailer

If you are considering options for moving bulk material quickly and efficiently, a Joskin Trans-KTP 15/45 tipping trailer might be what you're looking for.

With a payload of 15 tonnes, the Trans-KTP 15/45 trailer is well-suited for contractors working on infrastructure, subdivision or bulk cuts. The unit is a versatile alternative to single-purpose on-site dump trucks.

The bin itself is constructed from Hardox 450 (said to be six times stronger than traditional steel), which helps minimise punishment from rocks or other hard materials.

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Using Hardox steel in the construction of the Trans-KTP 15/45 trailer also allows the overall tare weight of the unit to be substantially reduced without lessening strength and quality, according to its manufacturers.

A tapered design helps prevent damp material sticking inside the bin. Additionally, there are no grooves to allow material build-up; along with a high-lifting tailgate that enables quick and efficient ease-of-use.

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Attention has also been given to strain on the unit when tipping a load, through the use of a lifting ram which swivels in four directions. This allows the body to flex when placed under sideways strain.

Another big advantage for contractors is plant utilisation, with the tow tractor being able to be re-purposed for other duties when the tipping trailer is not required, especially during wet weather periods.

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Joskin manufactures other tipping trailers ranging in size from nine to 27 tons.

AGrowQuip has two units of the Joskin Trans-KTP 15/45 tipping trailer immdiately available for purchase.

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