Construction, Features

Business feature: Eziswap

NZ's only Kiwi-owned nationwide industrial gas supplier is offering workshops an alternative to ongoing gas cylinder rental charges

Eziswap borrows from the barbecue gas cylinder swap model for low-volume industrial gas users but says they offer an even better deal for the higher-volume gas users.

Eziswap’s Tristan Marris says with both low- or high-volume users, workshop owners can forget about paying rental fees every month for cylinders sitting in their workshops, whether they are using them or not.

“Kiwis hate that,” he says. “It’s a hidden cost that over time adds up to a substantial sum and you keep paying. It’s like death by
a thousand cuts.”

Low-volume users

Low-volume users, such as the home workshop market they also supply, buy their initial cylinder for a project and swap it for a refill as necessary. They can also sell the cylinder when the project is done or they no longer need it and get that money back. 


“The cylinders hold their price and makes it a cost-effective exercise, whichever way you look at it,” says Tristan.

High-volume commercial users

For higher-volume commercial users, there’s an even better deal, Eziswap says. The company will supply the cylinders as well, meaning the customer is effectively just paying for the gas when they swap their cylinder for a full one.

“Customers just need a decent level of usage to make this arrangement worthwhile and delivery is available in selected areas along with swap centres nationwide,” says Tristan.

Eziswap Gas says they offer the usual range of industrial gases in B,D, F, and G cylinders. Retail pricing starts from $253 for a B cylinder of argon (refill $70), both plus GST. Shieldmix, CO², nitrogen, MAPmix, oxygen, acetylene, and helium are also available for industrial and hospitality use and more.

Commercial users and higher users of gas should contact Eziswap Gas directly to confirm pricing. 

The company started in 2009 and now has 57 swap centres around the country.

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