Construction, Features

Demo and recycling: OilQuick couplers

Demo and recycling: OilQuick couplers

The OilQuick system allows for the changing of hydraulic attachments in mere seconds directly from the operator’s cab

With operating costs going through the roof, Ward Demolition needed an automatic quick coupler system that saved time and increased productivity on construction sites. Backed by comprehensive support from Fennex Industrial, OilQuick was the answer.

Ward Demolition first installed the OilQuick quick coupling system in November 2023 and have been impressed with the improved productivity and efficiency of changing attachments quickly from the cab.

“You’re sitting in the cab, you do not get out, you literally – boom, bang – and you’re done,” says Peter Ward.

Using the OilQuick automatic quick coupler system is not only about being efficient, but it can also open a business up to new ways of carrying out their day-to-day work.

Designed to be used in the world of construction and demolition, the OilQuick system allows for the changing of hydraulic attachments in mere seconds directly from the operator’s cab.

The automatic coupler system negates the need for the excavator operator to climb out of the machine to disconnect or reconnect the hydraulic hoses. The attachment can be swapped out with another attachment at the flick of a switch.

Demo and recycling: OilQuick couplers
Ward Demolition has seen numerous gains in productivity

Gone are the extended pauses in the workday for operators to swap out hoses, which, in some cases, can take up to 20 minutes for attachments with numerous hoses.

Ward Demolition fitted their first OilQuick to a new Hyundai HX145CR, and after seeing the numerous gains in productivity, has recently installed another one on a 20-tonne excavator with plans to roll out these automated quick couplers across their fleet.

“For us, using this new system means a total re-evaluation of how we deconstruct buildings,” says Dalton Ward. “By allowing us to almost instantaneously swap over tools, an operator can break out a wall, then quickly swap over to a grapple to move material out of the way, then swap back to breaking. It’s just a whole easier process.”

Beyond its productivity advantages, the OilQuick system offers a solution to a common problem: the risk of oil leaks and damaged hoses associated with manual hose and attachment changes. It also eliminates the inconvenience of oil dripping over clothing and the physical strain of swapping out hoses.

“We went with OilQuick because we’re looking for a faster, quicker operation. It’s repairable, fabricated out of steel and there’s less risk of foreign debris contaminating our hydraulic system.”

Fennex says they don’t just provide cutting-edge equipment, they also offer a comprehensive service package that includes “unparalleled after-sales support.”

“I’ve found the service of Fennex to be fantastic. They deliver the gear, and it arrives on time. Most contractors run a just-in-time operation – we don’t have a job, we don’t have a job, we have a job – we need it right now. I need the gear delivered right now, and I need it operating yesterday. Fennex can deliver that,” says Peter.

Dalton adds, “If anyone is going to test the durability of a product, it’s us. Fennex products show clear evidence of superior quality and right through the purchase process, they have gone above and beyond to prove it was the right decision for our company.”

For more information, contact Carlos Prestidge at or visit

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