Construction, News

Forestry: CAT 568

A new Cat 568 Forest Machine has been delivered to Clayton and Robbie Hagen of Logged on Logging in Hawke’s Bay, the first of its type in New Zealand.

Clayton Hagen first viewed the Cat 568 at its official Australasian launch at AUSTimber 2012, in South Australia, and since its delivery earlier this year he and Robbie have been able to experience all of the great features of this next generation Forest Machine first-hand.

Replacing the 330D FM, a member of the 300 series family first introduced in New Zealand during the 1990s, the Cat 568 is leading the 500 series and looks set to become the new industry standard in many forestry applications.

The new Logged on Logging 568 is running a fully-optimised Waratah HTH625C processor, and this combined with the purpose-built cab, cooling package, hydraulic flow and power, and its length of reach are just a few of the features that attracted the Hagens to the 568.

The fuel economy of the 568 exceeds that of the 330D FM — between three and five percent depending on application — and its large base provides increased stability in rugged terrain.

The 568 is available in a general forestry configuration for road building, site prep and processing, and in a loader version for log loading, shovelling, butt-n-top loading and mill yard applications.

For more information contact Goughs on 0800 933 939.

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