Construction, Features

Product profile: Boss beefs up hire options

Boss Attachments makes additions to its selection of hire equipment to provide contractors with cost-effective solutions

MOTOFOG is a world leader in dust suppression

The range provides contractors with cost-effective solutions for a number of job challenges, including Antraquip milling heads and Motofog water cannons.

Antraquip range has models suitable for one to 100T excavators

“We’ve always focused on a select group of specialised products, and the recent growing demand has seen us beef up the options available for our clients,” says Boss Attachments director Paul Herbison.  

“On top of these two brands, and subject to project details, we’re also happy to discuss hires for any of the other bands within our range,” he says.

Antraquip rock cutting

Boss Attachments says Antraquip is regarded as a worldwide leader for rock cutting equipment, and during the past three years, their milling heads have made their mark across a number of major New Zealand projects.   

“They [Antraquip] are a proven alternative to the use of blasting or breakers, and they operate with little or zero micro-cracking of the area outside the excavation line,” says Paul.

The issue of minimising stress on infrastructure made Antraquip a real winner on projects such as the Kaikoura rail and road rebuild, along with the North Auckland railway line rebuild, where a major requirement was the need to avoid compromising the structural integrity of the tunnels.

Other landmark local projects have been the Northern Motorway extension and the Central Interceptor and Central Rail Link. “These operator-friendly milling heads have also been used for a number of smaller jobs such as removal of rock overhangs and straightening of bowed concrete foundations,” says Paul.

The Antraquip milling head range incudes models suitable for materials with uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) ranging from one to 175 plus mpa for small- to mid-sized cutters.

The AQ-5 (200kW for 50 plus tonne carrier) and AQ-6 (400kW for 65 plus tonne carrier) models can be utilised in rock substantially harder than this. New Zealand projects have included the cut and milling of concrete, greywacke, blue basalt, hard blue sandstone, and stabilised road pavement.

MOTOFOG dust cannons

Italian-designed and manufactured, the MOTOFOG brand has become a world-leading dust suppression brand with an operational distance of up to 60 metres, says Boss Attachments. 

The units are compact, easily transportable, and have low operating costs. The performance proven range also includes diesel and electric-powered model options.

“Our MOTOFOG dust cannons are a more recent hire option, and they provide contractors with the ideal compliance option to reduce on site dust problems,” says Paul.

“It’s also worth noting, especially in locations with ongoing water shortage problems, that MOTOFOG units require significantly less water consumption than many other models.”

Boss Attachments hire range provides contractors with reliable project and site-specific solutions, they are operator friendly, and Paul says they are happy to discuss short- or long-term hire options.

For further information, contact Paul Herbison 027 290 8306 or visit

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