Construction, Features

Attach2 prides itself on fast delivery

Attach2 prides itself on delivering its products to customers in the fastest possible time

Attach2 is a company that prides itself on getting its products to customers in the fastest possible time; a company of energetic team members with a passion for their customers and a passion to see them working as soon as possible, with as little to no downtime at all.



The entire Attach2 team focuses on one key measurement—DIFOT (Dispatched, In Full, On Time). Breaking this measurement down means the following:

Dispatched: It has left the Attach2 factory bound for the customer. From this point here, it is in the control of Attach2’s shipping partners.

In Full: means everything that the customer ordered is included in the shipment; there is no back order of parts to be shipped later.

On Time: The order was dispatched to the customer when Attach2 said it would. Over the past five months, Attach2 has averaged a DIFOT of 90%. This means that out of every 10 items dispatched, only one item is later than the dispatched date that was promised.

The goal at Attach2 is to fulfil its promises and to continue to increase their DIFOT score until it reaches 100%.

Attach2’s dispatch targets


Attach2 has dispatch targets based on its core customers and is determined by product. Recently, the company was offering its range of Elite Tilt-Buckets with a guarantee that it would be dispatch from the Attach2 factory within three to five days.

Attach2 aims to deliver its attachments to customers in the fastest possible time because the company understands the contractor cannot waste time waiting for new equipment to arrive on-site.

Too often, new excavators are sitting idle awaiting the arrival of attachments to fit the machine. Attach2 says it has listened to the customers and is giving the best lead time in the market to ensure the contractor gets onto the site and starts making money fast.

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